Balaraju (RID : 11ffcl48cu74k)

  • Java Developer
  • Jaipur, India


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)





Work From



JavaSpring BootSpring Batch ServletsAngular 6


Roles & Responsibilities

 Involved in different phases like Design, Development and Deployment.

 Attending regular standup calls.

 Attending scrum meetings with our Client.

 Developing Rest APIs according to the requirement by using Spring Boot

 Writing Mongo queries to interact with Mongo DB

 Writing CURD operation queries to interact with Mongo DB

 Working on interaction with Mongo DB and MySql Database and involved in the deployment of applications in different environments like Rollout, Demo and Live

 Worked on different challenges like Performance and handling multiple requests from different clients.

 Involved in the Database Operations

 Involved in debugging

 Performing unit testing and peer review

 Handling the team of 5 members and distributing the tasks based on the priority to get the work done in time.


Project Name: Mobile Assist Mobile Application:

Title: Mobile Assist

Role: Full Stack Java Developer

Technologies: JAVA 1.8, Spring REST full Web services, MongoDB, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, and Angular 6

Project Description: Mobile Assist is a FREE App for ALL End Users. The App provides the

user with one-click access to all commercial, government, and non-profit organizations communication channels via this single mobile app.


 With MobileAssist™ businesses and organizations can provide

 Turn-by-turn directions to their location(s).

 Distribute notifications and coupons directly to their customers and members.

 Provide access to all of their communication touchpoints via a single app. (Phone, email, coupons, notifications, commerce, social media…)

 Categories are listed alphabetically in the MobileAssist dashboard, and businesses and organizations are listed alphabetically within each category as well as by their geographic proximity to the User’s current location.

 The MobileAssist App provides a menu of features and functionality that allows the user to customize how they use the App.

 Promotional campaigns such as Scratch & Win can be accessed via the My Campaigns functionality.

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