ARPIT (RID : 17b25l6dmwz92)

  • Mumbai, India,


₹ 206,000 (Monthly)


6 Years



Work From



JavaPHP frameworkSQLSpring BootMySQLPostGresOracleCore JavaHTMLCSSJavascriptJqueryGit or SVN



Current Projects:

Global Finding Management System

• Summary: Related to Audit Risk Management.

• Tech Used: Spring boot, React JS, Junit.

• Role: Full Stack developer

Previous Projects:

1. BPCL Scratch Coupon

• Summary: The project deals with the management of Millions of coupons & various

administrative roles in order to enhance customer growth. The project includes scanning

BAR & QR codes with high-security management, an application having a third party

interface, Corporate Interface with Interface to

• SAP-FI, distributor interface & Field staff Interface for which both Web and mobile applications

are developed.

• Tech Used:Spring boot, Angular 7, SQL Server, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery.

• Role: Technical Lead, Understanding the requirements and analyzing to implement, Full

Stack developer.

2. ITMS (Integrated testing Management System)

• Summary: The project deals with the management of Warship equipment of the Indian Navy.

It generates reports and manages all the parts with proper authentication.

• Tech Used:Spring boot, Angular 7, SQL Server, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery.

• Role: Technical Lead, Understanding the requirements and analyzing to implement, Full

Stack developer.

3. UNB (Layout Management System):

• Summary: It’s a UNB banking layout management system to manage the posters in various

branches of UNB. It has 80 branches across the UAE and 7 branches for its sister concern Al

Wifaq Finance.

• Description: The objective is to have an LMS that enables clients and service providers to be on the

same page and update each other about requirements vs accomplishments. Each poster or display

unit will be coded individually. Consider categorizing the posters based on their visibility, type,

size, and importance.

• Role: Leading the project and Developing APIS for LMS Mobile Application. 

•Tech Used: Java, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Hibernate, Servlet.

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