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Banti (RID : 6v6vlqesguln)

designation   Software Engineer

location   Location : Indore, India,

experience   Experience : 4 Year

rate   Rate: $14 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 12
Total Views : 41
Key Skills
Ruby on Rails HTML CSS Javascript Jquery

❖ Project 1: CloudHQ Overview: Implemented authentication for multiple applications and integrated 3rd party applications like Bascamp using API authentication per customer. API call and get the details from 3rd party application sifts authenticated by customer. Provided different services for each application like uploading or getting data for them. Industry: Social Platform Technology Used: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Heroku, API development and integration, Swagger.

❖ Project 2: rDuty Overview - rDuty helps the customer with an all-in-one platform made for businesses to get accurate insight into tariff codes, duty, and taxes internationally. rDuty has various categories in which you can choose a precise one for a product to ensure that importers and exporters always pay the correct amount of duties and taxes for the product they choose. It has various ML/AL to find the correct tariff codes and calculate the amount to be paid for either import/export. It also has various currency conversion features so that you can pay or calculate the amount in your own currencies. It also updates the currency conversion rates based on current market trades. Technology Used: ROR, React.js, PostgreSQL, Sidekiq, Capistrano, jQuery, Bootstrap, Trello, OVH, API Integration, HTML, CSS, Linux

❖ Project 1: Mlife Overview: Created a separate micro service to manage all customer rewards. API authentication with Frontend application which is in AngularJS and track the request. Managed multiple background process to give offers available at a particular time. Industry: Hotels & Restaurants Technology Used: AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, AWS EC2, AWS Elastic-Beanstalk, S3, PostgreSQL

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