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Pakam (RID : 6v6vlq6kcjwx)

designation   Senior Azure Engineer

location   Location : Bengaluru, India

experience   Experience : 5.4 Year

rate   Rate: $11 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Onsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 0
Total Views : 85
Key Skills
  • Ihave5+yearsofexperienceintheITindustry,withknowledgeofAzureDataFactory,



  • HavingworkedasaMICROSOFTAZUREdataengineerfor 3.1years.
    • WorkedasOffice365Adminfor 2.3years
    • Designedanddevelopedagreat dealofworkonAzureDataFactory, including itscore concepts of pipelines, activities, datasets, scheduling, and execution.
    • Workedongeneralactivities likeGet Metadata, lookup,StoreProcedure,Web, set variable, append variable, script, and execute Pipeline activities.
    • Workedonconditionalandloopactivitiessuchasfiltering,until, foreach,switching,and ifconditions.
    • Implementedadynamicpipelinetoextract manyfilestomultipletargetsusingasingle pipeline.
    • DevelopedADFbuildingblockssuchasIntegrationRuntime,LinkedServices,Data Sets, Pipelines, and Activities.
    • UsingAzureDataFactory(ADFV2),designedanddevelopeddatamigrationpipelines fromon premise to various layers into the ADLS.
    • Developedlogicapplicationflowstocreateemailalertmechanisms forADFpipeline statuses, including details about running, failure, and success.
    • Moveddatafromon-premiseSQLserver toCloudDataStoreslikeBlobStorageand Azure SQL Server on daily, weekly and monthly base.
    • CreatedADFpipelinesfor integrationofdatafrommultipledatasourcestomultiple targets.
    • KnowledgeonDataExtractionfromOn-PremiseSourcesandDeltaExtractionmethods from Source Systems to Blob and SQL server. ➢Worked on copy data activity extensively.
    • SQLscriptsdeveloped fordataextractionandtransformationsand integratedwithADF activities like copy, script, lookup.
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