Professional Summary
●Approx 5+ years of work experience in Full-Stack Web Development
●ExtensiveworkexperienceinNode.js,Typescript,AWS,Express,Next.js,MongoDB, Redis, etc.
●Delivered to the company and its client effectively and efficiently.
●Strong analytical, good logical and programming skills.
●Proven resolving most complex challenges faced across projects.
●Responsibleforcodereviews,properunittests,systemandfunctionaltestreviews, continuous integration for build management, and code coverage. ●Richexperienceinbuildingend-to-endSaaSmulti-tenantsolutionswithfull automation and CI/CD.
●Abilitytorapidlylearnandtakeadvantageofnewconcepts,businessmodels,and technologiesandprovencapabilitytocreatePOCwiththeteamfortheadoptionof new technology. ●Capability to form a new team in new technology
●Gujarat Technological University
B.Tech - Information Technology [2013 - 2017]
Skills Set
Programming Languages - Node.js, Typescript, Python WebJS, JQuery, CSS, SCSS, HTML5
Framework - React.js, Style Components, Material-UI, Redis, Express
Database - MongoDB, MySQL Knowledge of Redux, React Navigation, Docker, BootStrap
Operating System - Windows, Ubuntu
Content Brief
This is a powerful SEO tool that reverse engineers Google’s ranking algorithm. The information on briefs helps content writers in creating a comprehensive and search engine optimised content on given keywords.
Technology used: Node.js, Typescript, MongoDB,, SQS
Team Size: 6
Credello is a stand - alone B2C Fintech product that provides its users with personalized and unbiased recommendations to help make better financial decisions. Credello is designed to help, not sell, and is quickly growing its user base.
Technology used: Node.js, Typescript, Postgres, React
Team Size: 5
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