1. JAVA API Engineers

  • No. of positions: 5
  • Bengaluru
  • Last Active Date : 19 Apr, 2021


₹126,000 - ₹168,000 (Monthly)


3 to 7 Years

Work From


Job Duration

3-6 Months

Job Applied


Required Skills

Rest APIKafkaDockerJSONKubernatesJ2EECore Java

Job Description

·        Experience with REST APIs, JSON and exposure to technologies like Kubernetes, Docker, Kafka etc.

·        Java/J2EE expert with relevant experience designing and building large scale enterprise Java applications. Experience with Spring Technologies is ideal.

·        Comfortable with Data Structures and Algorithms to help design highly scalable solution.

·        Experience with JavaScript and front end technologies/frameworks like ReactJS and Redux is a plus

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