Devops Engineer

  • No. of positions: 1
  • Bangalore
  • Last Active Date : 07 Mar, 2024


₹102,000 - ₹153,000 (Monthly)


5 to 7 Years

Work From


Job Duration

6-12 Months

Required Skills


Job Description

Greetings from Growel Softech!!

We are Looking for Devops Engineer at Bangalore location.

Job Description:

Skill required: Kubernetes, Jenkins, AWS, Terraform

Mandatory skills: Kubernetes, Jenkins, AWS, Terraform are mandatory 

 (They are ok to make Terraform good to have in case of challenges in getting resources)oExperience of 2 years in Terraform shall be fine as long as resource is able to write script independently oAWS shall be aware of basic of few of services like EC2, S3 oIn addition, they are looking for AWS resource only and not any other cloud resource (they rejected below IBM cloud resource)5+ years hands-on  understanding of cloud-based infrastructure and services such as Amazon Web Services (EC2 VPCS3Route53EKSRDS AWSRabbit MQ OpenSearch ALB NLB Helm JFrog.. etc)5+ years of experience on software development processes and tools Git or any version control system experience Jenkins or any CICD tool experience.Experience on scripting languages including Python and Bash.Strong problem-solving and analytical skills.

Excellent communication and collaboration skills. Education: Bachelors in engineering or masters in computer science with 5+ years of relevant experience


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