Devops Eng with OCI

  • No. of positions: 2
  • Hyderabad
  • Last Active Date : 15 Feb, 2024


₹98,000 - ₹126,000 (Monthly)


3 to 5 Years

Work From


Job Duration


Job Applied


Required Skills

DevOpsCICDOCIOracle Cloud InfrastructureMavenDast

Job Description

DevOps OCI JD            

You will be responsible for CI/CD implementation with Jenkins and Security issues remediation’s.


Maintaining the Jenkins slaves in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) environment.


Building tools like maven/Ant/gradle/node.


Working on DAST and SAST tools.


Making sure to meet the timeline of applications which have the SLI,SLO,SLA defined.


Working closely with the teams to make sure the critical endpoints of application are onboarded to SRE portal.


Working on Blackduck and fortify and well versed with the error remediation techniques.


Integrating the DevOps tools with Jenkins and microservice and Ui modules


Helping the dev teams to understand the issues and resolving them Linux/Windows system


3+ years of relevant work experience.


Experience as a DevOps Engineer including basic automation experience.


Experience in configuration management tools like Ansible & application memory management.


Experience in DevOps Tools like Sonar, Gitlab, jenkins, jira, one confluence and knowledge on DAST/ SAST tools.


Experience in CI/CD implementation with Jenkins and deep knowledge of master slaves configuration.


Experience in pipeline setup using Jenkins OCI and Experience with using a broad range of OCI technologies to develop and maintain.


Experience with setting up SRE practices.

Exposure to AWS environment            


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