Data Analyst

  • No. of positions: 2
  • Panchkula
  • Last Active Date : 01 Feb, 2023


₹78,000 - ₹157,000 (Monthly)


3 to 8 Years

Work From


Job Duration


Job Applied


Required Skills

PythonData Processing PandasPyTorch

Job Description

Strong Python skills with ML and Data processing.
Main libraries: Pandas, PyTorch

Our requirement for a "senior level" engineer is, at a minimum:

* a candidate who possesses very solid knowledge of general Python concepts;

* can solve basic problems with ease, and more advanced ones with some effort;

* can work independently when employed on a real-world scenario, after the initial introduction to the project details;

* can offer help and guidance to less experienced engineers (juniors) if needed.

Can work from remote but prefer if can relocate to Chandigarh-tricity.

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