
  • Software Engineer
  • Delhi


₹ 84,000 (Monthly)


2.7 Years



Work From





To apply skills and experience in an organization, where I can use my knowledge and traits to get a practical disclosure and contribute to the organization’s success.



·       Total: 2 years 6 Months (Mar 2017 to Sep 2019)

·       Last Employer: Cisive India Pvt. Ltd. (New Delhi)

Lastly associated with Cisive India as Software Engineer from March 2017 to Sep 2019.




Title:                         LEVELS

Client:                       250 Clients

Environment:                      MVC 4.0, LINQ, C#, SQL Server 2012, jQuery.

Team Size:               10 Members

Role:                         Software Engineer

Details:                    LEVELS – A Blue Umbrella Technology (Acquired by Cisive India Pvt. Ltd.)


LEVELS is a role based system have 9 roles overall. This project is used for verification of candidate information given to company (Employer). Firstly candidate fills his all career related information in the system and submits his profile then a case is created in system with all checks of candidate for candidate verification according the information provided. Ex Employment check, Education Check etc. After case creation it goes to Supervisor where he assigns the checks to Analyst. Analyst verifies the candidate information and submits these checks to QA. QA Submit the same to Case QA. Same as Case QA submits to Final QA and finally the case is complete and a report is generated which is visible to Client.


Client /Group Client are also the separate role(s) in system which is updated by Ongoing, New and Completed Case.


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