React SE/SSE/Tech lead

  • No. of positions: 5
  • Ahmedabad
  • Last Active Date : 30 Jun, 2022


₹145,000 - ₹195,000 (Monthly)


4 to 10 Years

Work From


Job Duration

6-12 Months

Job Applied


Required Skills

ReactReduxNextjsType ScriptGraphQL

Job Description

Seeking a seasoned React developer to build the front-end of a robust web-based NFT marketplace. Critical features include digital asset creation, product inventory management and display, and integration with commerce partners to fund wallets and purchase products.

Experience should include:

React, Redux, nextjs (all mandatory)


GraphQL with Apollo (mandatory)

Consumer facing marketplace or commerce site

Stripe or other commerce platform

Implementation of responsive web design

Nice to have experience in:

Dwolla or other experience with wallets and ACH transactions

Video playback


Conceptual familiarity with blockchain technologies (e.g. smart contracts and NFTs)


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