Project Title: Workmate – GLP (Dec2020-Present)
Client: CenturyLink U.S
Tools and Technologies: Java8, Spring Boot2, MySQL, JUnit
Description: Workmate is a platform which connect people through work. In workmate, tasks are present to user from multiple orchestration source such as WCM, WFA, Remedy, Clarify, BPMS, SAO, etc. After task creation in workmate there is an enrichment process and then routing process. In enrichment process a task connects with other subsystem to find the additional information related to task. While routing is the process of placing a task to specific workgroup and specific resource
Roles and Responsibilities:
Involve in owner ship of module like GLM address service, Copy task creation.Wrote UT test case for developed module. Involved in fixing of real-time issue faced by client. Demo to client for developer features Mentoring team for their issues.
Project Title: Pearson – GLP (Aug 2018 – Dec2020)
Client: Pearson
Tools and Technologies: Java8, Spring Boot2, Micro-services, Spring Web Flux, Kafka, Couchbase DB
Description: Pearson-GLP called the “Global Learning Platform” a set of applications to be hosted on that framework that address the need for learner engagement, instructors, institutions, Pearson personnel creating learning experiences for the marketplace, and for Pearson staff provisioning the platform with learning assets and artifacts.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Involve in owner ship of module like course creation, assignment creation, cloning of engagement plan and deletion Wrote UT test case for developed module. Involved in fixing of real-time issue faced by client. Mentor team for technical issues
Project Title: SHL-Extranet GLP (Jan 2020 - May 2020)
Client: SHL -Extranet
Tools and Technologies: Java8, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, ReactJs, Sql Server, Jasper Report, AWS
Description: SHL anticipate, and help organizations solve the most pressing talent challenges. SHL-Extranet consists of multiple sub app i.e. file browsing, subscription app, report generation. File browsing app is used for downloading the reports from AWS S3 bucket. Subscription App is used for adding subscription for a report. While report generation app is used to generate the report using Spring Batch and upload generated report on Amazon S3 bucket.
Roles and Responsibilities:
Developed report batch application from scratch Worked as main developer and owned multiple module such as subscription app. Involved in writing Junit test cases.