Ø Worked as Oracle DBA with Configuration of Oracle 10g, 11g,12c, & 19c on Linux/Unix platform.
Ø Worked on RAC environment &CRS services.
Ø Worked on Oracle Data guard maintenance.
Ø Implementation & management of user security in both production & non production environment.
Ø Hands onOracle tools such as RMAN, Export / Import and Data Pump.
Ø Planning and performing daily, weekly and monthly cold and hot backups.
Ø Administrating all database objects like tables, indexes, views and sequences etc.
Ø Worked on RMAN Backup for restoration & recovery purpose depending on client requirement.
Ø Carried out Database upgrade activity from 11g to 12c.
Ø Complete Database patching activity starting from patch downloading till implementation.
Ø Performing health check during OS patching & monitoring the blackouts & alerts.
Ø OEM monitoring,OMS process checkup & Wallet maintenance in databases.
Ø On Call support for High availability 24/7 databases.
Ø Worked with Multiple clients as Asia, Japan & Europe.
Ø Hands on troubleshooting theprimaryperformance issues like long running jobs, high load & CPU usage.
Ø Basic knowledge on checking AWR, ASH, ADDM report & Running tuning advisor.
Ø Worked on ASM storage & carried out Disk addition & migration activity.
Ø Worked on database duplicate activity.