Santosh Kumar

  • Recruitment Manager
  • Odisha


$ 2.00 (Hourly)


5.1 Years



Work From



Headhunter People Staffing Solutions Freelance Consultants Digital Advertising Bulk Hiring Volume Hiring Mass Recruitment Recruitment Selection Exit Formalities Head Hunting Screening Vendor Management


➢ Post Requirement In Portal , Screening and Schedule Candidates For Interview Process

➢ Monitor and Track Training Requirements as Well as Coordinating With Learning & Development

➢ Collect and summarize information for weekly, monthly and quarterly reports and maintains staffing database

➢ Work with employees to facilitate their career and professional development

➢ Monthly interaction with corporate & HR & resource management team.

➢ Sent email made copies answered telephones and other office duties.

➢ Advising business on critical employee cases such as on performance or behavior.

➢ Analyzing attrition and bringing new ways of controlling it. Driving entire performance Evaluation process.

➢ Ensuring the KPI is properly maintain target verses sales ratio is in healthy condition to meet the objective of company.

➢ Work with employees to facilitate their career and professional development

➢ Organizing company level events for employee engagement and motivation.

➢ Above all to fetch customer satisfaction by delivering proper service.

➢ Overseeing and developing marketing. Campaigns at social networking sites.

➢ Scoping out strategic business partnership. Conducting research and analyzing data to identify and define audiences. Devising and presenting ideas and strategies for brand marketing.

➢ Maintaining websites and reviewing. Google analytics data to implement.

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