Experience in the areas of DevOps, Monitoring, and development of comprehensive dashboard, CI/CD Pipeline.
Creation of CICD dashboard for monitoring customized DevOps Metrics.
Automation to collect the data from various DevOps tools using Python to push the applications configuration data into the DB.
Worked on Rest API commands to collect the DevOps tools configuration data
Worked extensively on SQL for Database Management.
Experience in creating CICD pipeline using AWS with code Commit, code Build, and Code Deploy.
Configured Jenkins job to accomplish continuous deployment integrating Jenkins.
Hands-on knowledge of software containerization platforms like Docker.
Hands-on knowledge of Source Code Management (Version Control System) tools like Git and Clear Case
Hands-on knowledge of deployment tools like IBM UrbanCode Deploy
Build servers using AWS: launching EC2, creating security groups in the defined virtual private connection.
Requirement analysis, work, and time management.
Worked on Healthcare Insurance, Claim Processing, Life Science
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