
  • Test Engineer
  • Hyderabad


₹ 38,000 (Monthly)


3.1 Years



Work From



Selenium Web DriverAPI Testing DB Testing Agile smoke Testing regression test Core Java VB ScriptALM JIRAUFT


Around 3 Years of experience in UFT Automation testing with good knowledge on end-to-end testing and framework analysis.

3 Months of experience on Selenium Web Driver.

Expertise in creating Automation Test scripts, user defined functions and Reusables.

Exposure on API Testing and DB Testing.

Ability to grasp new technologies and new concepts.

Handled and Provided solutions for few issues triggered from UFT tool

Improvised the framework which helped multiple products handling with the existing automation scripts.

Experience in BPT, Data Driven, Modular, Hybrid frameworks.

Reduced 80% of the manual effort by automating DB Requirements, API Requirements, and good number of manual scripts.

Ability to understand Functional Requirements and Design Documents

Experience in Execution of Automation scripts in on different Browsers/Environments

Well acquainted with software development life cycle, Testing life cycle, Bug life cycle

Having Knowledge on Manual Testing

Excellent Communication, Interpersonal, intuitive and analytical skills

Experience in understanding Business Processes from the requirements, Identifying required Test scenarios for the project

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