Data sciencemachine learningMySQLPythonScikit-learndeep learning data analyticsNLP flaskSQLPostGre SQLHive
Skilled Machine Learning Engineer with a great history of working in IT industry.
* 2+ years of experience in Python, Machine Learning, AI and Data Science.
* 1+ year of experience in technical writing that covers areas close to Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and AI.
* Projects : Anomaly Detection System, Email RCA and Topic Classifier, Transaction Dispute Classifier, Optimized Web Content Parser (Scraping), Transaction AI Assistant, Email Classifier, ExcelTalk, Risk Dashboard Visualizations
* Udemy certified on Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks
* Udemy Certified on Deep Learning A-Z : Hands-On ANN
* Amazon Pride Card awarded for research work contributed to IIIT, Bangalore
* B.Tech (Computer Science)