
  • Team Lead
  • Noida


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


14 Years



Work From



Core javaMultithreadingData StructuresMVC HibernateSpring MVCSpring Boot Spring Data Data Structures J2EESQL PL/SQL Java Networking RMI QC Swing JDBC html5


Total 13+ years experience into IT industry. 8 years into development and 3+ year into corporate trainings.

Core Technologies being: Core java, Multithreading, Data Structures, J2EE, MVC Architecture servlets and JSP, Spring MVC, AOP, Security, Hibernate, Web-Services, Multithreading, Code debugging, Manual Testing, Angularjs, Apache Camel, Active MQ, JMS, EJB, Junit, Mockito, QTP, Selenium, Java8, Spring boot, Spring webflow, Design Patterns, SQL, PL/SQL, Java Networking, RMI, QC, Swing, JDBC, html5, CSS, javascript, Spring batch, Microservices, AWS, Spring Boot, Spring Data, Spring Data Rest, Spring Cloud, Docker, Jenkins, Git, CQRS, Event Sourcing, Distributed Transactions, Caching

Experience into HDFS, Spark. Spark sql, hive , map reduce.

Have exposure to Cloud computing, Amazon Web services, Android too.

Worked on all phases of Software Development Lifecycle.

Exceptional ability to create the project documents as necessary to detail

Have one year of experience in Cramer. Good knowledge of Resource Manager, Delivery Engine and Task Engine

Have also worked on 8051 microcontroller for an year.

Have worked for 2 years each, on manufacturing, telecom and Finance domain.

Fast learner and implementer

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