Dr. Abhyarthana

  • Process Engineer
  • Gurgaon


₹ 56,000 (Monthly)


3 Years



Work From



CC++MINITABMATLABArtificial Neural NetworkArtificial Intelligence


Areas of Interest Mineral Processing Engineering, Minerals beneficiation (Iron ore, Copper ore, Coal, LeadZinc ore, Limestone, Bauxite etc.), Designing and Optimization of Process circuits, Pump and pipeline calculation, Study and development of new reagent regimes for froth flotation, Flotation circuit optimization, Fine particle processing, Process evaluation and optimization , Machine learning, statistical analysis


Company: Weir EnSci, Global Weir group. Duration: October 2019 - Present Role: Process Engineer (R&D)

❖ Mineral processing technologies

❖ Sizing and selection of processing equipment

❖ Slurry pump calculation

❖ Pipeline sizing, process flowsheet development

❖ Identification of bottlenecks and optimization of plants

❖ Concept notes, process engg detailed notes, journal papers

❖ Aggflow software tools

❖ Copper, iron ore, coal, lead-zinc etc.

Projects executed:

➢ PFD review of Boliden Ronasker Copper slag plant

➢ Designing of bins and silos for bulk material flow

National Conference Papers

1. 1. Abhyarthana Pattanaik and Rayasam Venugopal, “Reverse flotation studies of low grade Iron ore fines through Statistical Approach”, at Khanij, 2017, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad.

2. Abhyarthana Pattanaik and Rayasam Venugopal, “Beneficiation of iron ore fines by Reverse Flotation Route”, at NMD-ATM, 2017, Goa.

3. Abhyarthana Pattanaik and Rayasam Venugopal, “Recovering Iron Values from low-grade Iron Ore fines using Direct Anionic Flotation roué”, at NMD-ATM, 2018, Kolkata.

4. Abhyarthana Pattanaik, Rayasam Venugopal “Value upgradation of Iron ore Fines by Direct Anionic Flotation Route” at National Seminar on Coal and Mineral Processing Technology, 2019, GCE, Keonjhar.

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