
  • No. of positions: 3
  • Ahmedabad
  • Last Active Date : 12 Jul, 2021


₹56,000 - ₹168,000 (Monthly)


2 to 5 Years

Work From


Job Duration

3-6 Months

Job Applied


Required Skills

Backbone.js HTML5CSS3

Job Description

SoluLab is started by a former VP of Goldman Sachs and principal iOS architect of Citrix. We work on cutting edge product development utilizing Blockchain, Machine Learning, Data Science and other emerging technologies. We are a family of 150+ strong developers with offices located in the USA, Canada, Australia and India. We have fully adopted remote only culture after COVID19 and this is a full time remote position. We sponsor USA or Canada visas for right developers and promote them to work from the client's office as per project demands.

Skills Required:

  • Strong understanding of JavaScript, its quirks, and workarounds
  • Strong understanding of features and utility functions of Backbone.js
  • Good understanding of the concepts behind models, collections, and views
  • Basic understanding of web markup, including HTML5 and CSS3
  • Understanding of fundamental REST API concepts
  • Familiarity with input validation techniques and approaches
  • Good understanding of browser rendering behavior and performance
  • Understanding of asynchronous request handling, partial page updates, and AJAX
  • Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues and ways to work around such issues
  • Familiarity with JavaScript module loaders, such as Require.js or AMD
  • Familiarity with front-end build tools, such as Grunt and Gulp.js

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