• No. of positions: 1
  • Noida
  • Last Active Date : 15 Nov, 2023


₹153,000 - ₹204,000 (Monthly)


5 to 7 Years

Work From


Job Duration


Job Applied


Required Skills

SDETBack-End written mostly in PHPPHPPHP UnitSQL

Job Description

We are currently seeking a Software Development Engineer in Testing (SDET) to expand the back-end test automation coverage. Our back-end framework includes Behat, phpUnit, Jenkins

The candidate must have the following technical skills:

1.       Hands-on experience with the company's software stack, encompassing PHP, SQL.


The ideal candidate will possess the following technical skills:

1.       Proficiency in various software models, BDD, model-driven test design, and keyword-driven test automation methodology.

2.       Familiarity with the company's test tools, such as phpUnit, Cyprus, REST-Assured, Jmeter, Jest, Cucumber, Behat.

3.       Comprehensive understanding of the Agile methodology in the software delivery process.

4.       Ability to deliver solutions in the CI/CD environment based on Jenkins.

5.       Proven experience in testing user interfaces (UI), back-end, and APIs, along with the expertise to design test data effectively.


As an SDET, your key roles and responsibilities will include:

1.       Collaborating within a deployment team to ensure the quality of new and legacy code.

2.       Becoming well-acquainted with the company's business applications to facilitate efficient testing.

3.       Creating test data for both new and legacy modules, supporting a thorough testing process.

4.       Establishing and maintaining test automation environments, contributing to efficient and effective testing procedures.

5.       Expanding the test automation coverage across applications, encompassing all company frameworks, and striving for comprehensive test coverage.


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