Java full stack

  • No. of positions: 4
  • bengaluru
  • Last Active Date : 16 Oct, 2022


₹210,000 - ₹253,000 (Monthly)


5 to 6 Years

Work From


Job Duration

3-6 Months

Job Applied


Required Skills

JavaReact JS

Job Description

Solid Computer Science fundamentals, excellent problem-solving skills.


●3+years of Javadevelopment in a product company, with a proven track record of shipping successful software products.

●Good communication skills (written and verbal), proven team player, rolling up the sleeves and getting involved in the nitty gritty.

●Familiar with AgileMethodology.

●Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Computer Science or related field from a top university.

●Able to work within the GMT+8 time zone

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