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Yogesh (RID : qe71l0tx7vpi)

designation   Laravel - PHP Devleoper

location   Location : Thane

experience   Experience : 3 Year

rate   Rate: $6 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 4
Total Views : 76
Key Skills
Laravel PHP React JS Vue.JS Javascript TypeScript HTML CSS GIT MySQL


●2.5+ years of experience in Laravel (PHP), React.js, and Vue.js technologies.

●Developed User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using HTML, CSS, Laravel, React.js, JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue.js, MySQL.

●Experience in working with Agile methodology and well versed in Version Control System (Git), Defect Tracking Tools (Jira/Asana)

●Expertise in creating reusable components, services, directives, and modules.

Technical Skills:

●Languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Laravel (PHP)

●Databases: MySQL ●Frameworks: React.js, Vue.js

●Miscellaneous: Git

Work Experience:

1.Text Messaging platform for Online Merchants -

Technologies:Laravel (PHP), Vue.js, JavaScript,TypeScript, CSS, HTML.

●Worked on CRUD operations and perform tasks on routing, creating eloquent models, middleware, developing blade templates, and views.

●Experienced in phpmyadmin database (MySQL), stored the data in the back end, and retrieved it using Axios API and PHP Artisan tinker via CLI.

●Working on Laravel backend and building dashboard responsible to maintain the frontend pages and data manipulation using MVC architecture.

●Maintaining database using PHP artisan tinker commands and creating migrations using up and down function with a possibility of rolling back the changes.

●Modifying Vue components using Javascript, while building responsive web app using media queries and flexbox, integrating Bootstrap.

●Working in Automated Testing environments, passing codes through multiple checks on Github before merging pull requests with master.

2.Project Name: Platform for NGOs and Corporates for CSR activities in Europe Technologies: React.js, Git, HTML, CSS, MySQL

●Building responsive websites using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Media Queries.

●Developing, maintaining, and modifying React components using Typescript.

●Working with service workers that maintain the cache of the website and help in displaying the newly deployed changes on the website.

●Working with different React hooks like useState, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, and useCallback for updating/modifying the state of the different components.

●Developed a PWA (Progressive Web App) for a website using React and TypeScript.

●Working with APIs using Axios. Used the global country API for retrieving the country, state, and the cities from it. Exposure in using GIFs, storing them in the database, and displaying them on the Front end using customized pop-ups.

●Developing an infinite scrolling functionality for a smooth user experience. Alongside this, implemented pagination for the website.

●Using the parse server database (Back4app), stored the data in the back end, and retrieved data from it using React actions, reducer, and saga.

●Maintaining a database using GraphQL commands and creating migrations using up and down function with a possibility of rolling back the changes.

●Worked with different React UI Library (Material UI) for developing customized Modal popups, dropdowns, and text boxes.

●Worked on optimizing the overall performance of the website using different performance-based techniques such as Lazy Loading and Suspense in React.

●End to End experience in the development, maintenance, and deployment of a React website.

3.Project Name: Powering philanthropic venture, sponsored by Smiley movement Technologies: Laravel (PHP), Vue.js, MySQL

●Executing code on the Vue ecosystem - Core Libraries, Vuex, Vue-Router, and Vue plugins for modifying the state of the different components and maintaining its state.

●Designing email templates using HTML, CSS3 in the form of layout.blade. Developing, maintaining, and deploying a Vue / Laravel website.

●Maintaining database using PHP artisan tinker commands and creating migrations using up and down function with a possibility of rolling back the changes.

●End-to-End connection via Vue and Laravel codebase which triggers a Mail using the mail template connected via Model and Controller.

●Added the functionality of login with Google and Facebook using an API that auto-fills the details of the form and lets the user log in.

●Exposure in using different format of images, storing them in the database, and displaying them on the Front end using customized popups.

●Modifying Vue components using Javascript, while building a responsive web app using media queries and flexbox, integrating Bootstrap.

Education: University of Mumbai - B.E. - Information Technology [Aug 2015 - May 2019]

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