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Yagnesh (RID : 177k6l6c8qcqp)

designation   DEV-OPS DEVELOPER

location   Location : Mumbai, India,

experience   Experience : 10 Year

rate   Rate: $20 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 2
Total Views : 270
Key Skills
Windows Server MySQL MongoDB Node.JS Javascript PHP framework PostGres .Net AWS Git or SVN Jenkins AWS Devops

Projects & Contributions Highlights:-

Project: Inspire Fitness AI

• Contribution: Involved in deployment of cloud infrastructure to manage IOT-based applications which contain AWS microservice like MQTT , S3 , ECR ,ECS etc.

• Technology: Aws (ECR , ECS , Docker , RDS , Cloud Formation , S3 , Autoscaling , Load balancing , Route 53 , AWS Kinesis, Elasticache , IoT Core)

Project: Shopping cart Website

• Contribution: Involved in developing to make shopping application that contains daily 50k+ users to buy shamagh , Ghutrah and innerwear etc with stripe payment gateway .

• Technology: Php Laravel, MySql, Aws ( Load Balancing , Auto Scalling , ECR , ECS , Docker , Elasticache , RDS , Cloud Formation , S3 )

Project: Time tracker

• Contribution: Involved in deployment of windows based application which contains eventlogs in particular timeframe with real time data with screenshot monitoring.

• Technology: Asp.net , SQL server, Azure Virtual machines , Azure Resource Manager,Azure

Autoscale,Azure CDN,Azure VNet,Azure Load Balancer, Azure blob storage, cosmosDb , Azure AD & RBAC

Project: Aws cloud management

• Contribution: involved in handling server management for secured cloud application with 1lac+ real-time users at a time.

• Technology: Php Laravel, MySql, Aws ( Load Balancing , Auto Scaling , ECR , ECS , Docker , Elasticache , RDS , Cloud Formation , S3 ), cloud formation

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