Vinay (RID : 18p46l74smva5)

  • React Native and Android
  • Jaipur, India


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


5 Years



Work From



React NativeAndroidNative LiberariesHybrid appHTMLCSS



 More than 5 Years of experience developing Android Mobile Apps

 2+ Years of extensive experience working with React Native

 3 years of experience ins Kotlin

 Committed to delivering polished App solutions for the best user experience

 Created applications suitable for all environments and to support multiple screen sizes.

 Provide regular and effective progress updates to and work closely with Development

 Excellent system analysis and design skills

 MVC (Android)

 MVP (Android)

 MVVM (Android)

 Data binding structure For an Android with co routines Kotlin

 Working with dagger and rxjava in MVVM structure

 API calling with retrofit, volley, ion, bridge, Asynchtask

 Payment integration - pay-pal and checkout

 Worked in all layouts and other libraries for designing (android)

 React native simple custom structure

 Coding in JavaScript for react native application (not advanced level)

 Different kinds of npm for react native view, designing, and functionality

 API calling throw fetch and Axios

 GraphQL in React Native

 Agora audio video calling in React Native

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