1. Project Name: Hopin
Live URL: -
Framework: - FrontEnd:- React JS (version 17.0.2) , Jquery, Bootstrap
Backend:- 1.Rails(version 6.1.6) 2. Ruby (version 2.3.1p112) Database:- Postgres
Role: - Software Engineer
Description: Hopin is a virtual venue with multiple interactive areas that are
optimized for connecting and engaging. Attendees can move in and out of rooms just like an in-person event and enjoy the content and connections you've created for them. The results? High show-up rates, low drop-off rates, and happy attendees. Create immersive virtual, hybrid, and in-person event experiences for your audience, no matter where they are. Organizers can achieve the same goals of their offline events by customizing their Hopin to fit the requirements, whether it's a 50-person recruiting event, a 500- person all-hands meeting, or a 50,000-person annual conference. Hopin is built knowing every event is unique.
• Attend full-fledged live events
• Join hands-on sessions
• Visit expo booths
• Meet 1-on-1
What is Hopin?
The all-in-one event platform, optimized for connecting
1. Host your event.
Engage your audience in your Hopin events.
2. It allows users to sign-up and register to the events.
Registrants can register for the event at any time they want.
3. It allows event organizser to do analytics on the event.
Hopin has it’s own analytics system that finds the number of registrations and
many other analytical data via reports in CSVs and on the live updates as well.
4. Rest APIs for exporting the data-objects
Well defined APIs structure to expose the Hopin data-objects on the REst APIs
5. Can Import/Export data to CRMs and apps
You can connect your organization with the CRMs apps like salesforce, hubspot,
marketo and so many apps to share the data.
Third-party library
* FrontEnd:
we have used the below front-end libraries in the platform, Erb (embedded ruby templates), React JS, Analytics, Typescript, jQuery, Full calendar and many more.
* BackEnd:-
Segment/analytics, AWS-S3, Chargebee, Doorkeeper (for OAuth 2.0
authorization), Google-protobuf, Grape-swagger (APIs), Graphql, Jwt, Moneyrails, Mutations (Used to compose business logic into commands that sanitize and
validate input.), Oauth2, Omniauth (Apple, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Stripe),
Pagy (optimized pagination), Paper rail, Pundit (for scoped policies), Redis,
Rswag-api & UI (Docs and parameter validations for REst APIs), Webpacker,
Components (Rails Engine), Observability, Sidekiq Cron, Devise (for
• Dev tools
Brakeman, Cancan, Foreman, pry-byebug, robocop , Sorbet (Run time check for
the datatypes), Bullet
• Test Tools
Database cleaner, Rails controller testing, Rspec, VCR, Capybara, Selenium
● Maintenance and development
2. Project Name: Dripshipper
Live URL: -
(Backend) (Front-end)
FrameWorks: - Ruby on Rails,
ReactJS Role: - Backend Engineer
This system's mission is to allow a merchant to sell coffee products on different eCommerce platforms like SHOPIFY, WIX, BIGCOMMERCE etc.
Create Supplier and Customer dashboard for managing orders of merchants. Implemented Stripe payment gateway for payment to different suppliers for orders they received. Implemented Sendgrid Mailer sending Emails to merchants as order received, order shipped, order cancelled etc. Implemented Rutter, a third-party service that will be used to connect multiple eCommerce platforms and integrate their Webhooks. Implemented Mixpanel and Intercom for event tracking. Integrate Sidekiq to process heavy tasks in the background. Integrate Cloudinary to store assets on third-party platforms.Created APIs for the list orders, list invoices, connected different eCommerce platforms etc.
3. Project Name: AffixMusic
Live URL: - AffixMusic
FrameWorks: - Ruby on Rails (Frontend & Backend)
Role: - Software Engineer
AffixMusic is a web app that helps one user maintain a database of music license contracts and allows the export of that database to CSV files.
Implemented Ajax-data tables to display data in tabular form. It has some additional features like searching, sorting, pagination etc. Implemented AWS to store and generate assets like images and pdfs. Implemented AASM to manage different states of tracks like New, Pending,
Rejected, Active etc.
Implemented Whenever to run certain tasks on a daily basis. Integrate Wicked_pdf to generate pdfs. Use Rspec to write test cases for testing the application. Created views for the list of music providers, tracks, genre, right holders etc.
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