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SIVAKUMAR (RID : 1ate6l8b9287l)

designation   Java Fullstack Developer

location   Location : BANGALORE, India,

experience   Experience : 10 Year

rate   Rate: $20 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 1
Total Views : 177
Key Skills
Java Javascript React JS CSS SCSS Jquery TOMCAT MongoDB JIRA Bugzilla Node.JS


Professional Summary:

  • Having 10 + years of experience in developing Web Applications using HTML (4/5), CSS (2/3), JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular (2/8/11), ReactJS, Angular Material, Prime Faces, RxJs , Node.js, Express JS, Nest JS, Ag Grid, ES6, jQuery, AJAX, XML, Bootstrap, CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, JSON, Java/J2EE.
  • Experience in Developing User Interface (UI) Rich Web Applications, and Web Service Applications using Front End/User Interface (UI) Technologies like Object Oriented JavaScript, Type Script, Angular 2,8,11.ver, ReactJS , Node JS, NestJS, RxJs, Ag-Grid, Type ORM, Bootstrap, Media Queries, CSS Frameworks, Java.
  • Expertise in Angular 2+ (AG Grid) and nest JS framework with Type ORM and its ability to create simple and scalable code for SPA.
  • Worked extensively on ReactJS & Angular 2+ (Material & Ag Grid)/ Typescript SPA domains.
  • Experience in using the Object Relational Mapping tool Hibernate, strong in using XML mappings and Java Objects
  • Hands on experience on Application Servers like Web Logic, and Node Server.
  • Knowledge and experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), and Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD).
  • Extensive experience in working with Eclipse, VS Code, Toad and Version Controls such as CVS and Git.
  • Worked on AWS, Google cloud formation and Cloud Foundry.
  • Educate developers on how to commit their work and how can they make use of the CI/CD pipelines that are in place.
  • Helped individual teams to set up their repositories in bit bucket and maintain their code and help them setting up jobs which can make use of CI/CD environment.
  • Deployment of Cloud service including Jenkins and Nexus on Docker using Terraform.
  • Experience in SAML, OAuth, JWT token based authentication and authorization.
  • Developed Apache Maven Project management tool POM file to automate the build process for the entire application such as manage project libraries, compiling, preparing war file and deploying in Server.

Areas of Proficiency:

Web Technologies : JavaScript, TypeScript, ReactJS , Angular [2-11] Ver, JQuery1.11, ES6, CSS, SCSS,

Framework : Angular 2-11 Version, Angular Material, Prime Faces, Node Js, Nest JS, RxJs, Type ORM, Ag Grid, Spring Boot, Hibernate, JPA

Development Tools : Eclipse 3.4, VS Code, Jasper Report 3.7.4

Servers : Web logic 10, Apache-Tomcat 8, Node Server, NGINX Server.

Operating System : Windows Family, Ubuntu.

RDBMS : Oracle 11, Microsoft SQL server, Mongo DB, Postgres, MySql

Version Control : CVS, GitHub and Bitbucket.

Bug Tool : Jira, Bugzilla, Soft Pro Quality


M. C. A. - graduated from Nehru Memorial College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, in the year 2006.

B.Sc Computer Science - graduated from Srimad Andavan College, Trichy, TN, in the year 2003.



Diamond is a legacy application developed based on the technology power builder,

After client expecting to modernize the application latest technology angular 11.Ver (front end) and spring boot (Backend) technology. The main aims of the project is to use claims for the end customer, customer maintenance and member addons. I’ve developed the module like PROCESS-EDI Module, Member Module, Customer Module, Notes Modules, Claims Modules.

I’ve involved various other module and supporting team member to development for this migration project. The Project main feature is

  • Health Insurance for Individuals and Families
  • Dental Insurance Plans
  • Medicare Advantage and Part D Plans
  • Medicare Supplement Insurance
  • Other Supplemental Insurance
  • International Health Insurance


Angular 12 Ver, NodeJS, Nest JS, Type ORM, MySQL, AWS.


EXCEED manages, administers and prescribes the personalized learning process and data required for all students: in general, compensatory, gifted or special education; pre-K through graduation and beyond. In a single, web-based platform, EXCEED Student Achievement Manager.

Provides a multi-program case management platform for all students in general, compensatory, gifted or special education. Consolidates student information to provide a single access point and holistic, 360° view of each student ensuring fully-informed, evidence-based decision making, Gives teachers a simple, automated way to drive day-to-day activities, interventions and progress monitoring. Incorporates a

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