1 | P a g e Saurabh – ReactFront End Developer – 4.5Years Currently working on the PayRoll of Nine Hertz India Pvt. Ltd. Professional Summary ● I am a Front-end Developer with 4.5+ years of experience. I am working with React, Redux. ● I have Experience with large multi-tiered Responsive Web applications. I have also develop REST API server. ● I have worked with Google Firebase services and used it’s authentication module in various apps. ● I have implemented concepts of Responsive web design and made platform independent web apps. My prime goal is to provide a consistent smooth UI experience across all browsers and all devices. ● Experience with handling lots of data in UI and managing multiple components in big projects. ● Experienced in developing Reusable React Components with extensive unit testing as well. ● Experience with redux. Expertise in handling big state data with redux store. Experienced with Redux-thunk and Redux-sagas both for handling api calls side-effects in redux. ● Experience with version control system git and github Technical Skills: React (ES6, Context Api, and Hooks), Redux (redux-saga, redux-thunk and redux-form), Material-UI, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Java script, Web Socket/rest, Testing, Review, Optimization, GIT-Rebase/Merge Work History React Kart A MINI E-COMMERC WEB APP Pic App It is a PhotoGallery app that builds React, firebase, and with framer motion 2 | P a g e Food App A Simple Rest Api Project Where you can search your food Recipes User-Book A User Book App is where you can Add User Details, Edit User, View User, Delete User *******THANKS*******
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