Sakshi (RID : 15cyvln1ks3sm)

  • IOS Developer
  • Delhi, India


$ 14.52 (Hourly)


8 Years



Work From



iOSObjective-C or SwiftMobileiphoneSystem Programming



1. Generic Application Project summary It is a generic application that can be customized for any city. Till now it has been customized for 5 cities. All 5 apps are bilingual in French and English. It allows users to receive any real time emergency and last minute town information updates users will subscribe to. User will be able to access almost anything even locate, on a map, local stores that are members of the city business association, points of interest, parks, town offices and town office hours as well as dial the Town’s number automatically, send the Town an email or even a picture and a comment to a specific department, share information with friends, family through Facebook, Twitter and email. Below are the apps that we have created till now based on generic apps. Saint Lazare CSCapitale


2. Hearing App

Project summary

This application helps you to test the hearing power of your ears. It is basically used by doctors and hospitals for testing ears of the patients. Medical report was sent to the user's mail. Role & responsibility Maintenance of application. New versions of applications Testing the application. Bug Fixing. Environment Xcode & Objective C


3. DGOHE(universal)

Project summary

It is a dental application used by the students of dental studies. It is basically an online book of dental studies. It is a universal app for both iPhone and iPad. Role & responsibility Developing the application independently. Testing the application.

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