Training Details
I have close to 48 months of experience in Information Technology. As part of my assignments, I have been in Training. I got trained in Advanced JAVA(struts servlet JSP EJB java fundamentals Javascript)Spring boot(Spring framework). As part of my assignment, I got deployed in angular js framework projects
I have good communication skill and presentation skills along with the ability to quickly adapt to new environments and learn new technologies
Programming Languages java spring boot angular js Javascript JSP EJB servlet Software
Database SQL(POST GRES SQL and Oracle DB)
Oracle certification: Oracle Certified Java Programmer
Sysveda Project (Client Audit Management Procedures)(CAMP):
The project is based on the firm that audit management module and timesheet module where the user can search the engagement and archive the files. The Spring Batch invokes the task let which contains the business logic where the user can insert, archive, and update the engagement data entry zip status. This is done using the engagement archive controller
Tool Used: Eclipse IDE, Post Gres SQL
Roles and responsibilities Job Description:
∙ Determines operational feasibility by evaluating analysis, problem definition, requirements, solution development, and proposed solutions.
∙ Documents and demonstrates solutions by developing documentation, flowcharts, layouts, diagrams, charts, code comments, and clear code.
∙ Prepares and installs solutions by determining and designing system specifications, standards, and programming.
∙ Improves operations by conducting systems analysis; recommending changes in policies and procedures.
∙ Obtains and licenses software by obtaining required information from vendors; recommending purchases; testing and approving products.
∙ Updates job knowledge by studying state-of-the-art development tools, programming techniques, and computing equipment; participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.
∙ Protects operations by keeping information confidential.
∙ Debugging the issues in audit management and timesheet management module using the trim method
∙ Resolving the issues in the engagement archive using SQL databases(Post Gres SQL)
∙ Read the case document of Spring batch, Spring boot, Spring root
∙ Read the case document on hibernating and microservices.
∙ Solved regular expression for the invalid time entered in the engagement screen
∙ Solved bootstrap expression col-sm-12 grid system
Have done certification in java, MS-office, Basic of C, and C++ in NEON computer education from January 2015-June to 2015
Have done servlet and struts (J2EE) in ACCORD INFO MATRIX from July 2015-December 2015
Project Title & Description(M.Tech applied electronics)
Cross-layer design approaches schemes and optimization methodologies for cognitive radio networks.
Cognitive Radio Networks are used for spectrum sensing. Cross-Layer Design is the interface between the layer. The information is fetched from the network layer is sent to the physical layer. Information in the form of packets is sent from source to destination without any errors.
Cognitive radio Engine
Medium Access Control Layer(MAC Layer)
Logical Link Layer(LLC)
Project Title(B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Remote Monitoring and Controlling using Zigbee on ship
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