Pradeep (RID : 16u3gl66bnmn2)

  • MERN Developer
  • Jaipur, India,


₹ 251,000 (Monthly)


2 Years



Work From



MongoDBExpress.jsReact JSNode.JSBootstrapReduxJava Script



Project: Hacker Env

Purpose: An online platform that allows its users to test, train and enhance their penetration testing skills as well as to exchange ideas and methodologies with other members of similar interests.

Tech Stack: MERN


  • Providing key suggestions over the architecture and development of modules.
  • Development of key modules.
  • Agile development methodologies throughout the project development lifecycle.
  • Database architecture development of key modules.
  • Development of REST APIs with Express.JS, JWT-based authentication
  • Converting Adobe XD design directly to React Components.
  • Complete utilization of Redux for the management of React states.

Project: Attraction Flow

Purpose: An online platform that allows its users to watch videos and learn about realtors.

Tech Stack: MERN


  • Providing key suggestions over the architecture and development of modules.
  • Agile development methodologies throughout the project development lifecycle.
  • Development of REST APIs with Express.JS, JWT-based authentication
  • Worked in the required Dynamic Email services.


Frontend : HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, React.js, Redux, React-hooks, material UI

Backend: Python, Express, Node.js

Databases: SQLite, MongoDB

Self Projects

E-Commerce Clone ( Aug 2021 Implemented Nxt Trendz application which is a clone for ECommerce applications like Amazon, Flipkart where users can log in and can see a list of products with search, filters, sort by, etc.

  • Implemented Different pages and routes for Login, Products, and Product details using React Router components Route, Switch, Link, props, state, lists, event handlers, and form inputs.
  • Authenticating and authorizing users by taking usernames, and passwords and doing login POST HTTP API Calls, and implementing filters by sending them as query parameters to product API calls.
  • Persisted user login state by keeping jwt token in local storage, Sending it in headers of further API calls to authorize the user.

Technologies used: React JS, JS, CSS, Bootstrap, Routing, REST API Calls, Local Storage, JWT Token, Authorization, Authentication

Wiki Search Application ( Jun 2021

Developed a custom Wikipedia search application where users can search and view curated results and can see detailed explanations in Wikipedia by clicking on the specific result

  • The displayed list of search results with HTML list elements with hyperlinks as URL, styled list using CSS, Bootstrap and implemented responsiveness using Flex properties and CSS Box model.
  • Fetched search results from a server asynchronously using fetch GET HTTP API call. When a user clicks on a particular result, opens the website in a new tab by using the target attribute of the anchor tag in HTML.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, REST API Calls, Bootstrap

Todo List Web Application ( May 2021

Developed persistent todo application with CRUD operations to the track list of tasks

  • The displayed list of to-do's with HTML list elements, styled todo list using CSS, Bootstrap
  • Implemented todo crud operations by using JavaScript event listeners and updated UI dynamically by using JavaScript DOM operations.
  • Used Arrays, Objects, and their methods during todo list CRUD Operations Persisted todo list state on page reloads using local storage methods.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

Online Book Store ( Book Search) ( May 2021

Developed an online bookstore that shows popular books for given words, a user also can limit the number of books he would like to see

  • Fetched the paragraph from a server asynchronously using fetch GET HTTP API call and implemented responsiveness using different Bootstrap classes through the mobile-first approach.
  • Implemented user inputs of book words and limits by using Html form elements input, selecting and maintaining that data using JavaScript event listeners.

Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JS, REST API Calls, Bootstrap

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