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Mihir (RID : pyifl0qkrjpx)

designation   NodeJS Developer

location   Location : Ahmedabad

experience   Experience : 4 Year

rate   Rate: $13 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 0
Total Views : 60
Key Skills
Nodejs React JS Mongodb MYSQL JavaScript

Mihir (4 Years Experienced NodeJS Developer)


Nodejs(express js), ReactJS, Shopify Plugin Development, Mongodb, MYSQL, JavaScript


· CRUD Operations

· Server Side Validation

· File upload, Single and Multiple

· API with Just in Time Token

· Excel Import Export

· PDF Generation

· Browser Plugin Development

· Web Socket Programming

NODE Libraries:

· Express Framework

· EJS Template Engine


· MongoDB, MySql


· jQuery, AJAX

Professional Experience:

1. Quickfix – Quick book integration accounting project Quickfix is a financial product. In that we get users accounts, purchases and all related entreis from Quickbook Accounting Software. We did Quickbook integration using reactjs as frontend and NodeJs backend server side scripting. As a part of this integration we provide user own's accounts data selections that they want to synchronize. With these accounts data through user makes own conditions and based rules define about the data synchronization from Quickbook software. There are different subscription plans that user can choose from. Technologies :- Nodejs, ReactJSDatabase :- MongoDB, RedisHighlights :- Stripe Payment integration, Large data sync from QuickBook and for that background data sync process we use Redis server and bull package. All those big data saved through NodeJS stream. Data export in excel.

2. Budget – The financial planner tool Budge is financial planning product. We are importing user's transaction data through import excel functionality, like it's revenue generated through different sources i.e credit entries and expense entries i.e debit entries. On the basis of these data we are generating different reports like Projection, Daily Cash Flow, Big Budget. From the previous credit and debit entries we are providing facilities for next 6 months projection.Technologies :- NodeJS, ReactJSDatabase :- MongoDBHighlights :- On the basis of current user data we calculate next six months user income source and also calculate on which items how much they should plan to spend in next upcoming six months.

3. Shopiqon:

Shopiqon is a affiliated marketing portal for brands where brands will display their offers and a user will be redirected to brand e-Commerce website. Portal will also have Ticketing system where users can interact with brands regarding their queries and get answered.

Highlight: Frontend Integration, Browser Plugin Development, Admin panel, Merchant panel, API.

Technology used: Nodejs, Reactjs, MongoDB.

URL: https://shopzy.com/

4. Bacon Applications

Bacon Application is one simple CMS blogging portal where the founder Randy Bacon can post his blog posts and articles. He is actively involved in the IoT projects and writes the articles for the same. We used Nginx as web server and used expressJS as NodeJS framework with MongoDB as database.

Technologies: NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB.

URL: http://www.baconapplications.com/

5. 11th HR

11th HR is a project is a project of deals and discount for special hour’s offers. The project is mainly a mobile app project which is going to be developed in React Native and Admin Panel and APIs are to be developed in ReactJS.

URL: https://11thhr.co.uk/admin/login

Technology Used: NodeJS, ReactJS, Stripe Payment Gateway integration

6. Desire Me – Dating Platform

Desire me is a one dating platform where candidate can find their desired interest profile and can connect with one. As a frontend system is developed in ReactJS and Backend API are Developed in PHP Laravel. ReactJS using Laravel API to render the data. The Major React Modules Includes, Registration, Login, Home Page, User Profile, Browse Profile

URL: http://staging.desire.me

Technology Used: Laravel, ReactJS, Bootstrap, PaySafe Payment Gateway integration

7. Ollato – Multi Choice Questions Answer Platform


Ollato offers various MCQ Test from which a student can opt for. Students can first prepare and then can attend test and view the results. The application is using VueJS as frontend integration and consuming API developed in NodeJS. The same APIs are also being used for the mobile app development as well. We’ve used JWT Token to secure API with API scope.


· CRUD Operation

· File Upload

· Server Side Validation

Technology used: Nodejs, Reactjs, MongoDB.

URL: https://www.ollato.com/



AKTC is a CMS website that contains the information about AKTC parks, museums and events. There is a super admin panel from where user can manage all the frontend data like home page sliders, menu, parks, museums and events.

· CRUD Operation

· File Upload

· Server Side Validation

Technology used: NodeJS, jQuery, MongoDB.

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