Role in Organization
1. Use to create end to end front end application from scratch which involved using a boilerplate
and adding NPM / gulp modules etc.
2. Going through the shared Mockups and writing HTML5/JSX/css3/saas etc and making it a mobile
responsive and mobile-first web application
3. Using libraries and frameworks like bootstrap 4 and previous versions as well, Jquery.
4. Data binding through Axios, fetch and handling JSON data storing in local state, local storage, etc.
5. Managing GWT in cookies, and cache.
6. Taking care of SEO with proper alt,h1-h6, meta, and other tags
7. Taking care of syntax and semantics of the entire codebase.
8. Using react and redux for writing mobile responsive spa, using libraries like redux-thunk and
9. Creating re-usable smart components, class, and functional components.
10. UI testing/unit testing cross-browser testing, network API call testing, using postmaster, and
other tools for achieving that.
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