Project Name: Mailing System
Technology: PHP5, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, Bootstrap, antd design, React js, Node Js
Project Description: Mailing system is a web application which enables a user to exchange the information in form of the mails. Here, a person will be able to make his account, which is necessary to exchange the information, and then sign in to his account for the composition of a new email, sending an email, receiving the mails, saving in form of the drafts and viewing the already received mails
Project Name: E-Online Shopping Grosery
Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript and Bootstrap, Razorpay payment, React js
Project Description: This project provides the software for ONLINE-SHOPPING. The purpose of this project is to provide an easy shopping facility online and easy selling facility to the merchants of all categories.
Project Name: Event Management System
Technologies: PWA, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript and Bootstrap, React Js, Node Js, Material UI
Project Description: This project provides the website for ONLINE-EVENT
MANAGEMENT. The purpose of this project is to provide an easy Booking event facility online and easy selling facility to the merchants of all categories.
Project Name: Online News Paper
Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript and Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, React JS, Node JS
Project Description: Online News provides all types of news Breaking News, Political, Business, Entertainment, Sports, life style etc. provide free for any user. this is very simple to use
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