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Harsh (RID : 11jlna9rhqk)

designation   Ruby on Rails developer

location   Location : Ahmedabad, India

experience   Experience : 3 Year

rate   Rate: $6 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 0
Total Views : 66
Key Skills
Ruby on Rails PostGre SQL Github REST API JavaScript CSS

Harsh- ROR Developer

[Experience: 3+ Years]

Profile Summary

● Creative and passionate web developer with 3+ years of experience in Ruby on Rails.
● Have hands-on experience to build complex REST APIs in Ruby on Rails to communicate with Mobile applications (Android/IOS) and third-party web applications.
● Deployment of application on Amazon EC2 with Capistrano gem.
● Data Import/Data migration and manipulation to Ruby on Rails from existing database
● Implemented Payment integration using Razor pay & Stripe.
● Experience in Ruby on Rails web application framework
● Text messages functionality using Twilio & Mail functionality using Google SMTP.
● Hands-on experience on Sidekiq functionalities and push notification for various functionalities.
● Dedicated to build and optimizing the performance of user-centric, complex and scalable web applications.
● Hands-on experience on Authentication with Doorkeeper access token using Doorkeeper & Devise gem.
● Hands-on experience on PostgreSQL database and MySQL database.
● Comfortable working with Agile methodologies such as sprints.
● Experience writing unit tests with RSpec and refactoring code with Rubocop.
● Familiar to React JS basics like working with Axios and APIs.

Technical Skills
Programming Languages Ruby
Development Tools Visual Studio Code, GitHub, Bitbucket, Sublime
Database Postgresql, SQLite3
Operating System Ubuntu
Libraries/Framework/Tools Ruby on Rails, React JS, JQuery
Deployment Amazon EC2

Cloud infrastructure/
Third-party Integration Telegram-bot integration with Rails

Ruby On Rails Gems Devise, Rspec-rails, pry-rails, will_paginate, Hirb,
httparty, Crono, pdf-forms, can-can-can, rswag,
Google-api-client, factory_bot_rails, shoulda-matchers,
cocoon, byebug, fcm, chartkick, sidekiq, sidekiq-cron,
twilio-ruby, firebase, Doorkeeper, importmap-rails, fcm,
aws-sdk-s3, google_drive, omniauth, pagy, capistrano,
rack-cors, Omniauth-google-oauth-2, capistrano-rails,
capistrano-rbenv, capistrano3-puma,
capistrano-bundle, razorpay

Industries Served

E-Commerce, Gaming, Educational, Social Media, Business, Health

Recent Key Projects Highlights

Project: Shoot& Release App
Project Description:
Shoot& Release is basically a mobile game application which is run on
the Android & IOS mobiles. We have to shoot Animals & Birds from
the application & we will get the points through the ROR backend.

● I have worked as a backend ROR Developer.
● I have created Admin panel of the Shoot& Release app to show the Games & players details on it.
● I have created API controllers for the create game, display created games, invited games, create invite etc..
● I have worked on push notification to players to notify them for the game invite, game delete, player disable , player delete and every chat messages
● I have worked on send SMS text for them who haven’t signed up to the application.
● I have worked on connecting firebase database with ROR application
● I have created sidekiq workers for changing the status of games and send in game messages.
Team size: 3


Ruby on Rails (Version 7), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS
 Doorkeeper access token for Authentication of API (Doorkeeper gem)
 Creation of REST API for Mobile App
 PostgreSQL database

Link Shoot & Release: Camera Hunter – Apps on Google Play

Project: Slow Motion Video Editor
Project Description:
This project is basically a backend platform for the IOS Application, i.e. SlowMotionVideoEditor. This platform stores the entire database for the application including the subscribers and their payment information.


● I have worked as a ROR Developer.
● Fixed Facebook-Graph API bugs which helps to get the information of the subscriber using their Facebook profile.
● Implemented Omni-oAuth to the system, which helps the subscriber to login via gmail account to our system.
● Implemented ‘google_drive’ gem to the system for the updating the google excel sheet automatically through the Sidekiq job.
Team size: 3


Ruby on Rails (Version 7), JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS
 Devise gem for Authentication of ROR App
 MySQL databas

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