Charmi (RID : 19gk1l7h8dvbe)

  • Jr. Software Engineer
  • Ahmedabad


$ 14.00 (Hourly)


0.5 Years


2 Week

Work From





Charmi Rathod

Jr. Software Engineer

5+ months of experience as a Back-end Developer. Proficient programming skills in JavaScript, NodeJS, C, Python, HTML, CSS. Good knowledge of MongoDB, MySQL and MS SQL Server databases.

Project Experience


Duration: 5 Months (On going)

The MTN Group Limited is a leading provider of communication services, offering cellular network access and business solutions. The MTN Group is a multinational telecommunication group, operating in multiple countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.


  • back-office(Admin-panel) back-end development.
  • database manipulation using liquibase and sequelize queries
  • to manage code-coverage and sonar code quality for various micro-services
  • to maintain test-cases for backOffice for code quality
  • All kinds of diagrams for database flow like ER-diagrams.
  • Discuss and resolve bugs and implement new features in back-office.
  • currently solving bugs and maintaining loggers for various micro-services

Environment: Visual Studio Code, MySQL Workbench, GitLab, Postman, Forticlient

Technology: NodeJS MIcroservices, MySQL Database, sequelize, JIRA, Agile Methodology


It is a web application for farmers and their client companiesfor farmers and their client companies. This is a very useful platform for farmers to directly sell their products to the buyers. by which they can earn deserving profits without any third party and from clients side, the benefit is to get fresh productsfrom w.

- Contributeded as a back-end back-end developer in a team of 55 members.

Environment: Visual Studio Code, ongoDB workSpaceMongoDBspace, Git, Postman

Technology:MongoDB, NodeJS, ExpressMongoDB


It is a very innovative website which provides plantation, gardening services and also sells herbal products. This website has service features like maintenance, greenery decorations and products selling E-commerce things. provides service-features like maintanance, gardenning and selling herbal products It was an interesting project with the use of basic web-development languages.

- Contributeded as a back-end back-end developer and also designed demo template and helped in designing web-pages in a team of 44 members.

Environment: Visual Studio Code, MySQL Workbench, Git

Technology: HTML, CSS, Javascript, HTML, CSS,Javascript MySQL

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