Balkrishana (RID : 14f6gl5by9gmq)

  • Software Engineer
  • noida, India,


$ 10.32 (Hourly)


4 Years



Work From



React JSJavascriptGithubJIRA


●I am part of the team that is working on a client-side project with an on-site team  which is one of the world`s reputed bank called DBS bank. 

●Here my responsibility includes Developing new Features from scratch and also  resolve bugs. 

●Work is focused on a banking project in which we need to add new features like  mutual funds, foreign transfer, etc. 

●Resolved some of the existing test cases in the product code.  2019-05 - 2021-09 Designation: Software Engineer 

●Implementing the solution for new clients and taking it from the kick-off phase to  the final stage, post-deployment care and support resulting in a highly satisfied  Client. 

● In just a short period of 5 months, I am promoted to the product`s core team. 

●My responsibilities include understanding the features from BA(sometimes from  clients directly) and implementing the features accordingly. 

●Assessment of an incoming feature request by clients, providing high-level estimates  for developing it, and then after approval providing the actual level of efforts  Required for the same. 

● Successfully resolved existing bugs in the product. 

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