Akash (RID : lgv9kzdtcayv)

  • Sr.Software Engg
  • noida, India


$ 15.08 (Hourly)


6 Years



Work From






  • Over 6 Years of extensive experience in the Analysis, Design, and Development of Web Applications and Windows Applications.
  • Have working experience in MVC architecture, C#.Net, ASP.Net, JavaScript, HTML, Bootstrap, CSS, window forms, Crystal Reports.
  • Have working experience in C# programming, OOPsConcept, ADO.Net concept, VB.Net, SQL server database, MS Access database.
  • Worked in Visual Studio 2019, Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2010(Ultimate), Visual Studio 2013, Visual Studio 2015, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2017.
  • Have working experience with development supporting tools like Bitbucket, Github& SVN.
  • Have working experience with project management tools like JIRA Atlassian.
  • Have working experience with project deployment tools like Jenkins.
  • Have working experience in Stored Procedures and functions.
  • Efficiently can work on Crystal Reports report generation.
  • Basic Knowledge & work experience with angular JS.
  • Extensive involvement in all stages of application development life cycle including requirements, logical and physical architecture modeling, design, development, implementation and support.
  • An effective leader, skilled in enlisting the support of all team members in aligning with the project and organizational goals.
  • A Problem solver, able to quickly grasp complex systems and identify opportunities for improvements and resolutions of critical issues.
  • Accurately determine, assign, track and manage project tasks, activity, documentation, time information per internal standards.
  • Support the development of team members from a professional and technical level.
  • Proficient programming level, code development, code debugging and testing skills, troubleshooting skills, development environments, and architectures.
  • Can handle individual projects and also can work with the team.
  • Good Verbal and written communication skills.
  • Determination nature, self-motivated, full of energy with leadership qualities.


  • Essential Technical Skills
  • C#.NET
  • MVC
  • angular
  • SQL Server
  • Crystal Reports
  • Domain Expertise:
  • Accounting.
  • Real State.
  • E-Commerce.
  • Retail
  • Architecture :
  • 3 tier architecture implemented factory pattern
  • Design patterns. (Singleton design pattern & Factory pattern)
  • N-Layer architecture

  • Others:
  • Bit bucket/Github/SVN
  • JIRA Atlassian
  • Jenkins


Title: ERP Solution

Environment: C#, ASP.Net, MVC4/5, Visual Studio .NET 2015, SQL Server 2014, Angular JS

Role: Sr .Net Developer

Description: This is an ERP solution, which maintains information about inventory, invoicing, & other modules. The system has been implemented for multiple customers with minor customizations.


  • Responsible for analyzing the requirements and understanding details from the project stakeholders.
  • Involved in writing backend classes and integration with database
  • Wrote store procedures to fetch the data from the database.
  • Worked on ASP.net Web Application using MVC 5.
  • Implemented security level for each user to access the application.
  • Involved in peer code reviews activities
  • Supported QA team during the testing phase to move build from one environment to another and fix issues.

Title: Web agility

Environment: Visual Studio .NET 2019, SQL Server 2017, JIRA Atlassian, Jenkins

Role: Sr .Net Engineer

Description: WEBGILITY is having multiple products such as WEBGILITY ONLINE, UNIFY ONLINE, UNIFY ENTERPRISES. The products have been designed to cater to diverse business verticals and all are designed & developed on the Microsoft platform.


  • Involved in understanding the product requirements, the new version features set and planning by when features have to be incorporated in the system.
  • Supporting existing deployments including day-to-day tickets.
  • Got a working experience with project management tools like JIRA Atlassian.
  • Got a working experience with project deployment tools like Jenkins
  • Learn how to write accurate & productive codes.

Title: Retail vertical focused product

Environment:.Net Framework, C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Visual Studio .NET 2010, SQL Server 2008 R2, Crystal Reports

Role: Sr .Net Engineer

Description: SIGNIN SOFTECH is one of the leading companies in retail software tools. SIGNIN SOFTECH is a product-based company basically dealing with retail software with data analysis charts.

statically functions calculation on data and provide options like exporting to pdf, excel etc in own product.


  • Programming of modules, database designing.
  • Code on the related module using Ajax and Asp.net using C#.net.
  • Design and develop a database for the modules.
  • Perform unit testing, issue solving of the client.
  • Implemented security level for each user to access the application.

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