Hi sir
My name is pappu kumar pandit. i am belongs to jharkhand i am have 3 years exp in java development
currently working in Stratycon technology pvt ltd and
1- i have good work exp with sprigboot and Spring framework
2- i have hands on exp in using and implimmenting design pattern
3- i have hands on exp in handling exception in the application and
my role and responsilblity as back backend developer back end the scence of we are writing the business logic as per our client requeirment ,implimmenting the presenation layer ,Writing the test cases and bug fixing,Writing the api and testing through postman and also we are like following agile so we have like daily scrum call and discuss about what we have done privious and what to do next and inorder to create some story for develpoement functionlity related i have done project and my project name is physical e discription it is an ecommerce project and it is becically hospital mangament system in this project have services like Doctor desk bord:-we can search a good consultant and we can chat with consultant we can take a appointment from the deskbord Medicine:-We can purchase any medicine and health product from Lab test Deskbord:-We can take a lab test According to pricripion and physician can upload the lab test result