4 years and 2 Months of total experience in designing and developing Web Applications.
Worked as React.Js Developer, wrote re-usable code, and worked on high-class UI and
Frontend Projects.
Worked as REACT developer solved frontend UI issues and build re-usable components for future use.
Very good customer interaction skills and project coordination skills.
Excellent in troubleshooting/debugging applications.
Hands-on experience working with REST APIs.
Familiar with Firebase Database
Key Responsibility Senior Developer
Title Breaking-Bad-Cast app-2.0
Technology React.js
Project Brief This project consists and holds all the concepts of React like
Router, Hooks, etc. (breaking bad API is used for project).
Key Responsibility Senior Developer
Title Amazone-Clone
Technology React.js
Project Brief This is the ongoing project of clone version of Amazon with the
exact UI and the features for an e-commerce app with userauthentication and Firebase.
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