Shubham (RID : t9dul27i8ukl)

  • Software Testing
  • New Delhi, India


$ 11.11 (Hourly)


2.7 Years



Work From


Automation TestingPythonWeb service testingAPI URL testingSeleniumMySQLWeb DriverManual Testing


A challenging carrier as AutomationTest Engineer where Python skills can be effectively used and upgraded. Looking for a challenging career in the field of IT-Software especially Software Testing where my strong a Python, Selenium and Postman knowledge and experience in Testing Concepts and Methodologies in Software Testing are shared and with Development encouraged.


Ø  2.7+ Years of experience in Automation testing and Manual testing, Web service testing, Unit testing and API URL testing.

Ø  Expertise in Software Testing life cycle.

Ø  Worked with various domain/system such as E-commerce and Payments, Education.

Ø   Well-versed with all stage of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC).

Ø  Responsible for creating test cases, test plan, test data and reporting status ensuring accurate coverage of requirements and business processes.

Ø  Analyzing Requirements and creating &executing test cases.

Ø  Performing manual testing by performing the operations mentioned in the design steps. Compared the expected results with the actual result and recorded result.

Ø  Formulating the QA plan for Black Box testing of the application including Functional, Regression, Integration and System testing.

Ø  Involving in formulating the test plan, procedures and written test cases.

Ø  Good working knowledge of Selenium with Python, API URL Testing, UI Testing.

Ø  Expertise in BDD (BehaviorData Driven Programming)

Ø  Good working knowledge with Core Python, Django, DRF (Django rest framework), JSON, HTML, Design Patterns.

Ø  Expertise in OOP's Object-Oriented Programming like Python

Ø  Good knowledge of GIT Hub

Ø  Goodworkingexperienceinapplication Testing usingIDE'slikePyCharm

Ø  Experience working in Agile Scrum Methodologies, Team player with excellent communication and problem-solving skills.

Ø  Ability to quickly adapt to new environments and learn new technologies.

Ø  Experience of developing testcases to perform unit testing, applied functional and regression testing after implementation.

Ø  Good team player with excellent work history as regards with work ethics, dependability and willingness to go an extra mile.

Ability to test, develop, iterate on rapid basic



Project Name: Education Management System [EMS] System/Component: Management

Major Technology: Python, Selenium Web driver, Rest – Webservice

Project Detail Description:

 Education Management System is efficient application for administration authority, teachers and students. EMS manages and store the information related to Teacher and Students where Admin can access the information related to both. This Application digitized all paper work from Students’ admission to Marksheet. EMS provides a bird’s eye view functioning of an Educational Institution.

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Participating in client calls and involved in the requirement gathering from the clients. Maintained comprehensive technical documentation such as functional and technical designs. Implementation of automation framework using Selenium WebDriver and Python.

Design python script to ensure functionalities meets customer requirements.

Automated manually written test cases using python script to test functionality of system.

Co-ordinate with various technical/functional teams to implement models and monitor results. Responsible to test APIs usingPostman.

Test reporting in Jira.

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