Shakti (RID : 18p46l6x6az4d)

  • Java Developer
  • Bikaner, India


₹ 206,000 (Monthly)


6 Years



Work From



JavaSpring BootMicroservicesBDD TDD, CI/CD PostgreSQLOracleApache KafkaHexagonal Circuit Breaker, MV


●       6+ years of experience in Distributed Application Development.

●       Hands-on experience in Microservice Architecture, BDD, TDD, CI/CD and Agile Methodology.

●       I have working knowledge of sophisticated and high-performing storage/record frameworks (Elasticsearch and Apache Solr).

●       I have hands-on experience on Spring MVC, Spring Boot.

●       Knowledge of web components like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactJs and Angular.

●       Working experience in data persistent technologies like PostgreSQL and Oracle DB.

●       Experienced in integrating PMS and Payment gateway APIs.

●       Frequent interaction with product owners.

●       Experience in performing unit and load testing.

Technical skills


  • Architectural Pattern: Microservice, Hexagonal, Circuit Breaker, MVVM, MVC
  •  Languages: Java, Python
  •  Methodology: Agile, Scrum, Rapid Application Development
  •  Message Brokers: Apache Kafka, Google Cloud Pub/Sub
  •  Web Technologies: HTML5, JavaScript, Angular, ReactJs
  •  Mobile Technologies: Flutter
  •  Database: Oracle and PostgreSQL
  •  Analytics: Kibana, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and HighCharts
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