1. BookMySpot:
Project Descripion:
The web has a similar concept as another ecommerce web. we create it as three different modules: user, admin ( store ) and super admin. I worked on admin, user web and also guided superAdmin.super admin can create admin or store and manage then. store can deploy and manage information about that product and service or as well as her worker.
2. Clubbarter:
Project Description:
ClubBarter is the new dynamic global online payment and trading community. Members can trade using digital currency. Can earn credit by selling Goods or Services to other ClubBarter members online. The mobile app has options like add money to your wallet, send money, receive money, Request money.
3. Saleyourwaste[Junkart]:
Project Description:
Junkart an absolute blend of two words Junk & art, Junk goes for scrap you will sell online to keep your homeland clean and art is the technology friendly creative touch we give to erode away scrap from your home in exchange of some valuable cash which can be accessed through any devices or gadgets resourced with our mobility & web solutions -2014
4. My Car Service – Car Management:
Project Description:
The application aims to help you manage your car by record your maintenance events
- Track your part changes and repairs such as oil, tires, filters,etc.
- Track your document updates suck as car insurance, technical inspection, driving license,etc. - Track your refueling - get notified for the future part change, repair or documentexpiration - Nice graphics for better overview of the future changes or expirations
- car information such as avarage fuel consumption, distance per day, current odometer
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