Nirvirkar (RID : 4q6kvalldro)

  • ReactJs
  • Jaipur


₹ 281,000 (Monthly)


6 Years



Work From





1 | P a g e Nirvikar – ReactJs Developer – 6Years Currently working on the PayRoll of Nine Hertz India Pvt. Ltd.  Energetic and result-oriented IT professional with 6 years of experience in the field of PHP/MYSQL with Ajax jQuery technology and 2 years experience in React.  Currently associated with Radiant Web Technology , Uttam Nagar New Delhi as Sr. Developer.  Good knowledge of frameworks like codeigniter.  Expertise in Web programming using open source tools such as PHP, MySQL 5.0, Apache  Implemented best practices in different projects for smooth delivery as per customer requirements  Change agent & problem solver with a passion for technology; skilled in grasping the big picture, conceptualizing, developing, implementing solutions & partnering closely with business leaders & senior level executives  Results-driven professional, recognized for taking on major initiatives, adapting to rapidly changing environments and resolving mission-critical issues to ensure bottom-line success  A visionary leader with good communication, team building and management, interpersonal & analytical skills COMPETENCY MATRIX  Application Development  Web Programming  Designing & Development  Business Solutions  Strategic Planning  Technology Leadership  Client Relationship Management  Training & Mentoring  Quality Assurance  Technical Troubleshooting TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY  Reactjs  Redux  JavaScript  PHP, MySQLL  JQuery  Codeigniter EDUCATIONAL CREDENTIALS  MCA from UPTU  from Agra University  12th from UP Board  10th from UP Board 2 | P a g e PROJECTS EXECUTED Project#1 Song App Technology used Javascript,Reactjs Role React Developer Duration 16 month Description It is the largest Indian commercial music streaming service with over 100 million monthly users. The entire Indian music catalog is available to users worldwide. It features music from 21 languages including the major languages Project#2 Arts App Technology used Javascript, Reactjs Duration 4 month Role React Developer and manage backend in php Description It envisioned as an arena for passionately presenting artworks of quality & lasting in value over the years. One of the pioneers in the art business, the gallery has a history of long association with leading artists. The gallery is one of the reputed art galleries of India & has earned a great amount of good-will from the community of art lovers. The guiding principle of the organization has been to bring the viewers closer to the works of great masters of Indian art. Project#3 App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, wamp, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript, jquery Team size 2 Role PHP Developer Duration 15 days Project#4 Drive App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, Linux, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript, jquery Team size 3 Role PHP Developer Duration 4 Months Project#5 Career App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, Linux, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript, jquery Team size 3 Role PHP Developer Duration 2 Months 3 | P a g e Project#6 Theory App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, Linux, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript, jquery Team size 3 Role PHP Developer Duration 1 year Project#7 Exam Training App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, Linux, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript, jquery Team size 3 Role PHP Developer Duration 1 year Project#8 App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, Linux, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript, jquery Team size 3 Role PHP Developer Duration 1 month Project#9 Pic App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, Linux, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript, jquery Team size 4 Role PHP Developer Duration 4 Months Framework MVC Description is providing tool by which we can fetch photo from various community website face book and create album take order. Project#10 App Technology used PHP 5.2.9, My SQL 5.0, Linux, Apache 2.0 (LAMP), Ajax, JavaScript Team size 4 Role PHP Developer Duration 4 Months PERSONAL DETAILS Languages Known: English and Hindi ***********THANKS************

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