Professional Summary:
Having good experience in development of Web Applications using Node js ,
Good experience in java script (a sync /promise ) Good experience on Mysql
Good knowledge in local testing tool postman Having knowledge on create REST API
Work Experience:
have 9 months of experience in codex box from may 2022 to October 2022
As a software engineering worked on node js
Educational Qualification :
Bachelor of Sciences( BSc) degree with the percentage of 76% in Vijetha Degree College ,Osmania University
Intermediate with the Percentage of 73%in Vijetha Inter college Ssc with the percentage of 73% in Vidya Nikethan Model High School
Skil set:
Programming Languages
Java Script
Frame Works
Web Technologies
visual studio
Version Control Tool
Operating Systems
Local Testing Tool
Project Profile :
Project : CBS
Role : Node js
Environment : Javascript, express (framework),Http , MySQL
Description :
CBS is an internal CodexBox tool that helps in managing a company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is to improve and rebuild the entire application using Node.js and Express.js Framework to improve the performance along with a new look and feel. This tool helps to stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability. A CRM solution helps to focus on the organization’s relationships with individual people — including customers, service users, colleagues, or suppliers throughout its lifecycle with them, including finding new customers, winning their business, and providing support and additional services throughout the relationship
Roles &Responsibilities :
Trying to implement RESTful APIs required for payroll, pay slips, and leaves for HR, registration, and user management microservices.
I have put my hands on developing a few RESTful APIs that are responsible for my CRMS Project.
I was involved in performing my unit testing throughout my CRMS Project using Jest.
I was involved in testing for RESTful APIs using tools like Postman
I usually participate in all team collaboration calls and I provide my inputs towards issues fixes or any blockers resolutions.
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