- Having 4.5 years of IT experience in design, development, implementation of client server, web applications using java/J2EE.
- Experienced in developing React Js applications.
- Experienced in developing React Js application for User Authentications and Authorization.
- Experience in SDLC that includes Requirement Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, implementation, maintenance with methodologies like waterfall models.
- Experience with ORM tool Hibernate involving mappings, Transaction management and Hibernate query language.
- Experience in implementing Restful web services.
- Experience with using Apache Tomcat Server.
- Used maven Scripts for building and deploying application in web servers.
- Client side validations using java script.
- Experience in using ORM frameworks like hibernate and to integrate with databases.
- Experience on Core Java Technologies like Collections and Exception handling mechanism.
- Experience in java 1.8 Streams, Lambda Expressions and optional classes.
- Experience with databases like oracle and mysql.
- Experience on microservices.
- Using spring cloud we are developing microservices applications.
- We can connect with database server by using spring dataJpa and do all operations.
- Experienced on oracle to do data manipulation and using joins connect with tables.
- Experienced in AWS to deploying an springboot applications.
- Experienced in docker containerization to create and docker images and deploying docker images.
B.Tech from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad.
Professional Experience:
I worked as a Software Engineer in Sanoits Software Solutions Pvt Ltd from Sept 2018 to Sept 2021.
I worked as a Senior Software Engineer in LTI(L&T Infotech) from Oct 2021 to Nov 2022.
I worked as a Senior Software Engineer in Trysol Global Services from Nov 2022 to Present
Technical Skills:
Operating System : Windows
Programming Languages : Java
J2EE Technologies : Spring, Spring Boot, RestApi, Microservices.
ORM Framework : Hibernate
IDE & Other Tools : Eclipse, Postman, maven.
Databases : Oracle,Mysql
Version Control Tool : GIT
Frontend : Html, Css, JavaScript, ReactJs
Project 3:
Title : Website and Mobile UI Design
Team Size : 4
Environment: Java,AWS, Microservices,Spring boot, SpringDataJpa, Oracle, ReactJs.
Handmantra website enables customers to check the details about their buying and e-commerce details. This application processes the device data in the form of upload and make it available at Handmantra. As of now these applications are hosted on VM’s on on premise
- Involved in designing Springboot application and Hibernate to design module structure.
- Responsible to create DAO CURD methods using spring and Hibernate framework.
- Wrote Rest-Controller Restful standards in SpringMVC to Connect model with view.
- Tested Rest-APIs in Spring-controller at backend for JSON data using Postman.
- Used SpringBoot at backend which helps to develop application with ease.
- Configured Dispatcher Servlet and View Resolver to intercept incoming requests, manage spring MVC flow and invoke view components with help of DispatcherServlet.
- Used GIT for version control tool and Eclipse IDE for Development.
- Involved in designing Spring MVC application and Hibernate to design module structure
Project 3:
Title : CXP Portal
Team Size : 6
Environment: Java,AWS, Microservices,Spring boot, SpringDataJpa, Oracle, ReactJs.
CP(Customer Portal) is an Cisco Application used by the cisco customers to check the details about their contract with cisco and upload details. This application process the device data in the form of upload and make it available at cisco. As of now these applications are hosted on VM’s on onpremise. CX Portal shows device information and alerts, allows us (the customer) to request Cisco services, and even has a button to sign up for training through the Cisco Learning Network. The team that operates Cisco DNA Center particularly likes seeing all devices affected by a field notice or bug report, which can speed up remediation.