Name: Kunal
A dynamic professional with 5+ years in the areas of experience in analysis, development and implementation of various internet-based, windows and web applications using Python, Html5, CSS and JavaScript. Easily collaborate with developers and project managers to accomplish milestones. Managing and coordinating projects across technical platforms and business units.
To be a part of the dynamic software industry and contribute in creating high value solutions to challenging problems.
DAV College Jalandhar
B.Sc. Computer Science (2013-2016)
CodeApp Technologies, Mohali
(March 2017- May 2019)
Tarangan Solutions
(June 2019- To Present)
Designation: Full Stack Developer
Project is based on connecting coders from all around the world to come on one platform to learn and collaborate together. The main feature of the project is buddymeup, in which you can find a partner to work.
Other features include users can post their projects; other users can vote the post and also vote the comments on the posts.
Following is the URL for this product:
It is subscription-based platform for Instagram's influencers.
Users can subscribe to the website to get all the details of his/her Instagram account and his/her followers and following.
I have worked on registration, login, reset password, forgot password and stripe integration functionality.
Following is the URL for this product:
This is a SaaS product which was built for a particular org and aims to make work easy for the employees. This is a product where the employees can find the information related to their work and perform various operations.
This product is built with Django-rest-framework as a backend and React.Js for frontend.
I was responsible for handling all the backend operation like handling the database and creating REST APIs.
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