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Himanshu (RID : 16u3gl6aaqgdh)

designation   PHP Developer

location   Location : noida, India

experience   Experience : 5 Year

rate   Rate: $19 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 0
Total Views : 143
Key Skills
PHP Laravel MySQL HTML CSS QuickBook


● Total 5+years of experience in Product Development.

● Good understanding of Core PHP, Laravel, Slim frame works.

● Good understanding of REST Api development.

● Knowledge of setting up Swagger and using POSTMAN.

● Knowledge ofSQL/MySql, HTML, JS, CSS, Wordpress.

● Unit test case development usingPHPUnitand theirexecution.

● Working knowledge for integration of Google MapsAPI’s, Payment gateway API’s.

● Working knowledge of Integration withQuickBook.

●Working knowledge of SMS & Email integration.

● Good understanding of version controlling toolslikeBitBucket.

● Complete involvement in project life cycle from‘0’ phase to project closure.

● Quick learner, Cheerful and Team Player in Development.

● Ability to understand application business requirements.

● Flexible and adapt quickly to new working environments.

● Onsite Client co-ordination.

ROFESSIONAL E XPERIENCE ************ (www.devstringx.com) Devstring x Technologies is a global outsourcing product and application development company dedicatedtoempoweringbusinessesworldwidebyprovidingend-to-endcapabilitiesfrom productideationtocompletion.Acultureofinnovationhasenabledustocreatecost-effectiveand highlyscalablesoftwareproductswithintimeforourclientswhichfacilitatetheirprogressand growth. T ECHNICAL S KILLS Scripting & Query languages :HTML, CSS, Java-script PHP Frameworks :Core PHP, Laravel, Slim, PHPUnit Database :SQL/MySql Platforms & O.S :Windows7/10, Ubuntu Versioning Tools :Bitbucket


Yespls YesPlsCo.,LtdisoneofTKGroup’subsidiariesfoundedasanE-marketplacetofacilitateand encouragebuyingandsellingaswellasprovidegreaterquality,safety,easiestusingand accessibility,therearevariousproductswithoutlimitationofsellers,buyers,onlinetimes,and wheretoship,youcaneasilyconductalltransactionsjustthroughinternetconnection.YesPlsis anONLINESHOPPINGAPPforLaoModernist,aimingtohelpPeoplecaneasilyfindVariousKinds ofProducts,including100%BrandedProducts,LaoProducts(ODOP&MadeinLaos)from The North through to The South, and Products from The Lao Disabled People's Association. This is just forthepurposeofdevelopingLaoDomesticTradeandpromotingLaoProductsmorewidely knowndomesticallyandinternationally.YesPlsSellerCenterisaFREEandMODERNISTAPPfor LaoPeople,it’sanewwaytogrowyourbusinessesandincreaseyoursalesmultiply.Youcan maketransactionswhereverandwheneveryouwantjustbyusingasmartphone,andgetmore easierwithourfeatureslikeFREESigningup,ProductListing,Chatting,DeliveryManagement, StockManagement,Customer’sPaymentOptions,FinancialReturn,StockCheckingaswellas Delivery Tracking on App. Tools/Environment MYSQL, PHP Slim, PHPUnit, REST Api, QuickBook Api, Google Maps Api, AWS EC2, AWS RDS, AWS S3, AWS SES, Bitbucket, Various logistics Api’s, SMS Integration, Swagger Roles & Responsibility ● Participating in sprint planning and estimationmeetings

● Estimating the user stories

● Attending daily stand up, demo’s and retrospectivemeetings

● Understanding the business requirements

● Setting up the development architecture

● Development for admin, provider and patient features

● Development of REST API’s for user stories

● Development of features and bug fixes

● Integration with quickbook accounting system

● Integration with 4 different logistics api’s system

● Integration with BCEL payment system

● Implementation of various CRON jobs

● Unit testing of the developed features

● Managing code using Git & Bitbucket

● Raising pull request

● Review of pull request Msnagile Msnagileisaprojectmanagementtool,ithasfeatureslikeBoards,Activesprint,Backlog,Effort estimation, Retrospection, Test Management etc. Getare altimesnapshot of your project activities from the dashboard, filter data based on the project. Use the default work flowo rcreate yourownworkflowtocateryourspecificneeds.Wesupportarichsetoffieldtypes,create custom field sandputon form. Do live estimation & retro spection sessions with your team. We support various estimation techniques .Dolive estimation & retro spections essions with your team.Wesupportvariousestimationtechniques.Manageyourcompletetestingprocesswithour awesome product. Tools/Environment MYSQL, PHP Slim, PHPUnit, REST Api, Google Login Api, Paypal Api, AWS EC2, AWS RDS, AWS S3, Bitbucket, Swagger Roles & Responsibility

● Participating in sprint planning and estimation meetings

● Estimating the user stories

● Attending daily stand up, demo’s and retro spective meetings

● Understanding the business requirements

● Setting up the development architecture

● Development for admin and user features

● Development of REST API’s for user stories

●Development of features and bug fixes

● Unit testing of the developed features

● Integration of google login api’s

● Integration of paypal payment gateway

● Managing code using Git & Bitbucket

● Raising pull request

● Review of pull request E

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