Project Name
Travel Advisor
Description: It looks like Makemytrip. It has been made with CSS3 and React JS. It is designed with react router inside react for routing and react functional components. It is used to check the hotels and restaurants to search as per the user location. A good use of RapidAPI and axios to fetch data is done. The main page contains google maps as well just to check the user’s current location, wherever applicable it shows the restaurant with their picture and price introduced in RapidAPI.
Responsibilities : Full Code Design.
Tech Stack HTML, CSS, Javascript, React JS, Axios, React – Router, Google Maps API , Rapid API
Team Size 1
Link In progress
Duration 8 months
Temperature APP
Description Architected this application with only 1 module to check the temperature of more than 3000+ cities in the world. Consumed only 1 API which is from open weather Map API. It has been made with HTML5 , CSS3 , Reactjs . React Hooks and functional component has been used.
Responsibilities React JS Developer
Team Size 1
Technical Stack HTML, CSS, Javascript, React JS, Axios, API integration,
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