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DHRUVIT (RID : 1ate6l8d15174)

designation   REACT JS Developer

location   Location : BANGALORE, India

experience   Experience : 6 Year

rate   Rate: $18 / Hourly

Availability   Availability : Immediate

Work From   Work From : Offsite

designation   Category : Information Technology & Services

Shortlisted : 1
Total Views : 217
Key Skills
React JS React JS Laravel Google Analytics Jquery HTML CSS MySQL Linux


  • About Me
  • DhruvitRajpura(MCA)fromAhmedabad,India.
  • Ihave6 yearsofexperienceinReactJS and Core PHP.
  • Believinginbest qualityworkwithtimelydeliveredproject.
  • Skills
  • Abilitytosuggestcodeanddomainlevelfunctionalitytosuperiorfordevelop more user friendly application.
  • HavingknowledgeinReactJS , CorePHP,Laravel, MySQL, Javascript, jQuery, HTML5.
  • IhavealsoworkedondifferentwebserverslikeApache&AWS.
  • Havegood knowledgeinGit. AndknowaboutSVN.
  • Handon knowledgeofoperationsystemslikeWindowsandLinux.
  • Projects

Duringmyprofessionalcareer Ihaveworkedonmultipleprojectsondifferent frameworks. I have list down some major projects as below.

  • Real EstateApplication – React Js
  • Thisapplicationis developedin Laravel&ReactJSwith2team members.
  • TherearemultipleusertypeslikeAdmin,Seller,Buyerand Guest User.
  • Usercanaddproperty aswellas buy property.
  • UserscanBID forAuction property aswell.
  • Alsothereistrackingsystemforwhichpropertyisopenedbywhich user. Basically it shows the user interest for particular property.
  • ThereismultiplereportsgeneratedlikeTotalselling,propertywise total visit (Google Analytic) etc,.
  • DigitalSignature - React Js
  • IhavemanagedprojectregardingtheDigitalSignaturesofContract.
  • InthisprojectwehaveconsideredfunctionalitiesasUsercancreate contract, Upload PDF and assign recipient to whom they want signature.
  • UsercanDragandDropsignatureplaceanywherein document.
  • AlsoDocumentOwnercan addTexttofillFormoranytypeof document.
  • Recipientreceiveemailwithdocumentlinkandcandosignin particular assigned place.
  • Chrome Extension
  • IhaveworkedinGoogleChromeextension inwhich Usercanrecords Video from Browser Tab, Screen and Camera.
  • Inthisextension,wehaveprovidedLoginwithGoogle,Recordings and Video upload in Google Drive.
  • AlsothereisdifferentversionforPaidUsersandFreeusersandFree user can records single video maximum 5 minute.
  • Scrapping
  • IhavecreatedscriptinCorePHPforgettingProductRelateddata from third party website with approval of site owner.
  • In this application, we havecollectedAllproductdatabyproduct id.
  • Alsogetall categorydataincludingimages andvideos.
  • AllrequirecontentdownloadedusingDOMDocumentLibrary.
  • IhavealsoworkedbesidesthisprojectlikeSetupAWSS3serverasperclient requirement.
  • HavingExperienceinintegrationofGoogleAnalytic,PaymentGatewayand other third party services.
  • EducationalQualification
  • IhavecompletedMasterofComputerApplicationin2014with74%fromSK Patel Institute of Management and Computer Studies College (SKPIMCS) which is recognized by Kadi Serve Vishwavidhyalay University (KSV)
  • I have completed Bachelor of Commerce(B.Com) in 2011 with 54%of result fromSahajanandArtsandCommerceCollegewhichisrecognizedbyGujarat University
  • PassedHSCin2008with67%fromH B KapadiyaNewhighSchool.(GSHEB)
  • PassedSSCin2006 with76%from R M TrivediNew Education School. (GSEB)
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